First post.
I love PC-games and have done so since I finally, in late 1991, could afford a used C64. By that time, I was 30 years old. Don't ask me where my money went before that, 'cause I don't know. I had been using computers at work for several years but never thought of them as pleasure machines.
My co-workers often talked about this-and-that-game and that speedy new 386 cpu that one of them recently bought. It was all jibberish to me, but I listened and I learned. I never participated in the discussions but the urge to find out more grabbed me.
Eventually one of them had a C64 for sale. I bought it. From that day on, I was stuck. A year later I bought an Amiga 500, learned a lot and finally, in 1995, I bought me a Pentium II 333 MHz, thanks to government subsidairies. I almost married it.
Three years later I bought a new machine, AMD 1,3 GHz, and two years later a Pentium 4, 3,06 GHz, the machine I still have and love.
Unfortunatly I'm poor. Not need-social-welfare-poor, but poor in Swedish standards. With four kids, I have to choose if I want to feed my offspring or buy the latest games. Of course I choose the latter.
Just kidding. Of course I feed the family first. The gaming might come in seventh place or so, but nevertheless I love playing computer games. Since I can't buy the latest games, I'll have to buy games that everyone else seems to have played already. That gives me the advantage to have read about the games I buy and knowing if I really want it or not. The keyword is patience.
I know that there are more people like me out there in cyber-space. Everyone doesn't have a rich daddy who will pay up for a bug-infested, rushed-to-be-published-before-Christmas kind of game. Some of us have patience and are clever enough to wait for the patches and reviews before we buy.
Now, what kind of games do I prefer?
First-person-shooters, space-sims, tetris-like and racing games. I don't like online-gaming. That's because I suck at it, not because I have trouble with lagging. I have a 10 Mbps broadband-line so that's no problem.
Why do I want to review old games? Because I can't very well review the new ones.
I hope some of you find my reviews useful. If not, who cares. I'm having fun and that's what matters to me.
Ville bara säga att jag tycker den här sidan är jättebra, jag gillar ju oxå den här typen av spel.. Jag la ut en länk på min sida hit, tog för givet att du inte skulle ta illa upp. :)
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